Covid-19 and Domestic Violence
With the rise of the novel coronavirus within the U.S., intimate partner violence (IPV) rates have increased drastically. Following the CDC lockdown rules and regulations, it is recommended that those who are not essential workers are required to stay home. This social isolation can cause an unintended consequence of the rise of IPV, as victims staying indoors are spending more time around their abusers and less around any potential supportive group or space they might have had prior. We at License to Freedom have seen a dramatic rise of cases since the pandemic. Through these trying times, we are dedicated to serving marginalized communities and providing resources to communities of numerous backgrounds, languages, and ethnicities.
Covid-19 is a virus that was discovered in late 2019. It is highly infectious and it is spread by coughing, sneezing, and even talking or singing. Cases of Covid-19 can be symptomatic or asymptomatic, which means that a person can show signs of having the virus or seem healthy. Those who are older and have pre-existing conditions are prone to infection and are more prone to experiencing complications with the virus (CDC 2020). Covid-19 can be a deadly virus and should be taken seriously.
How to Prevent Spread
Covid-19 is contagious so preventing spread is important. There are many techniques that can be effective in decreasing the likelihood of contracting the virus. The CDC recommends washing one’s hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol is sufficient. Furthermore, social distancing is critical at a distance of at least 6 feet in combination with wearing a mask. It is also important to disinfect surfaces that are commonly touched to further prevent the spread of the virus. Examples of frequently touched surfaces are door handles, tables, countertops, switches, phones, and toilets.
Covid-19 and Domestic Violence
In early 2020, cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus increased dramatically across the United States, which created an environment where many victims were forced to be with their abusers due to new stay-at-home orders. According to the CDC, one in four women and one in ten men experience intimate partner violence. The global pandemic has caused many increased stressors in day to day life, which can contribute to domestic violence. For example, most people are working from home and many children’s schools were closed for a very long time and many schools are only partially open for a few days a week, which has forced more work for parents to find time to take care of their children. Financial stress has been another key factor that has increased stress as many have been furloughed or completely lost their jobs. These stressors have led to an increase of reported cases at License to Freedom and thus a larger need for our organization in our community.
The Role of License to Freedom
License to Freedom has served as a resource for minorities and impoverished groups to get help with their domestic violence situations. Covid-19 has made it increasingly difficult to conduct efforts to decrease domestic violence such as the limited capabilities of courts and county offices in handling restraining orders. Also, the amount of cases that License to Freedom has seen has increased dramatically. Through these trying times, we are dedicated to serving marginalized communities and providing resources to communities of numerous backgrounds, languages, and ethnicities.
Links to Information about Covid-19